Monday, July 19, 2010
*Tsk. I look so fat in this picture.*

Been a week since i update my blog. Rotting soon.
For this past one week, nothing much actually. Have been at home waiting for hubby to knock off after work. Slept throughout the day with only a meal a day. Hahahss.
The only thing is that, hubby injured his right middle finger while working on the 14th Wednesday. Received his call at 5pm plus. Went to have dinner with relatives at 'Hokkien Kong Hui' and went down NUH to see hubby. Mother-in-law and hubby's brother was there when i reached. We wasn't allowed to see him cause he was having his drip and observing in a room. We waited till 11pm and he came out. His finger was damn gross. Blood can't stop flowing. He told us that gonna wait for an hour for the specialist to come attend to him. We waited and waited for freaking 3 hours then the specialist came down. Attended to hubby and he says he needa have an operation done today as his nerves broke off and was seen in an x-ray.
Was worried for him. He went in the theatre at 2am and they started his operation at 3am plus. Mother-in-law and me waited for him all the way till he came out at 5am. Was cold and tired in the waiting lounge. Luckily there's channel 8 old shows to keep us entertained. Hubby went to the resting ward and had his breakfast and was discharged at 6am. Cabbed to bangkit with hubby and mother-in-law to have breakfast, homed and K.O straight till 12pm.
Was superb tired. Didn't want to wake up, but no choice as i've got an interview at 2.30pm at Tiong Bahru Plaza. Had lunch after interview and walked around to buy Erina's late birthday present. Mrt-ed to granny's house after buying and stayed till 9pm to meet up XueTing*Mei to have a short chat-up. Cabbed home and straight K.O again.
Woke up at 12pm again as hubby needa go back NUH for his check up and cleaning the area of his finger. His boss came down and paid all his medical fees. Dragged till 6pm and cabbed to Taka to find bro. Walked around Chanel, Lv and finally decided to get a gucci wallet. Hubby promised to buy it for me. LOVES ! Now got wallet and next is belt. Aiming for a gucci belt next month. Hahahsss.

Hubby's on 21 days leave. But lucky his boss is paying him his daily pay for this 21 days. Arbo sure GG. LOL. Had a big quarrel with hubby last night and had cold war till now. Though it gets better, but i still find his words hurting. Hope we'll be fine soon.
That's all. Nights peoples.
*The picture of his injured finger* *The 3rd picture is where the specialist operate.* *The last picture is how the specialist join back his nerves by using a green metal thingy*
*His blood can't stop flowing*
12:08 AM