It's friday today. That means, i'm going back to my mum's place tonight. Will ask dad come fetch me home tonight.
Went back to hubby's house last night cause i miss sleeping in air-con room plus my bed. Went back at 9pm and doze off straight away after changing to my phyjamas while hubby's bathing. Slept all the way till 11.30am and made breakfast for both hubby and i. Hubby's on leave today as he gonna go back selatar camp to pay his IPPT fees. Cabbed over to granny's place at 12pm.
Just finished my lunch. Granny cooked bee hun soup with 2 eggs !! Damn bloated. Waiting for hubby to be back and i guess i'm gonna doze off again. Feeling tired plus the cramp in my stomach isn't getting any better. Am i recovering?