Friday, September 10, 2010

Short update for today. Didn't sleep at all last night. Insomnia. Had mac supper at 2am plus but vomited everything out after awhile. Keep going to the toilet for urine and couldn't get to sleep. Had heart to heart talk with hubby and teared badly. Finally fall asleep at 9am with the help of hubby massaging my leg for me. Mwarks to hubby. Woke up at 3pm plus and was shocked by the time. Didn't know i could actually slept soundly despite the noise coming from outside. Hubby went to buy lunch for me and sis but couldn't eat much. Vomited out again after awhile. Wasn't feeling good. Keep applying axe oil. Just had dinner brought by hubby. Shared chicken chop and hokkien mee with sis. Bloated! Hope the food i consume will digest well.
oks. That's all for today's update. Boring plus short post.
Might be going jp tmr with sissy, hubby and babybiyun. Had very bad craving for taiwan shilin lunch box. Parents will be back from genting tmr. =D
7:32 PM