Friday, March 25, 2011
*Grumpy Face*

HeLLOS peoples~ Back for a short post. Baby Kayson is 2 weeks & 2 days old already. Time flies. Having baby boy by my side time seems to pass faster. Am always busy on him. Just can't take my eyes off him.
Baby Kayson is tube & needles free! YAY! Doc have removed all tubes from him & his wounds are recovering well. Thanks god. Everything is going well & smooth. Will be planning Baby Kayson's full month celebration with parents this sat & sun. Most likely to be hold on 2nd April Saturday afternoon 4pm at granny's place located at cck. There'll be buffet, red eggs & ang kueh. Hope everything will turns out well.
Am still on confinement. 15 days pass. Will be bathing with herbal water today & gonna wash my smelly & oily hair at jean yip tomorrow afternoon. It's hubby's birthday tomorrow, gonna give him a surprise present. Hope he likes it. Mummy will be helping me look after Baby Kayson for a few hours while me & hubby go out for a short date.
Alrights. That's all for today's post. Will be back soon. Stay tune for BB's full month post.
2:04 PM