Sorry peoples for not blogging for 3 days. Was lazy. =.=!! Nothing much to update also. Cause my life are all the same everyday.
Have been going back to hubby's place everynight cause granny's brother is staying over at granny's. Hubby's place is still the best. Back to granny's during 12plus and had lunch and then slack and then dinner and then back to hubby's. Boring life.
Granny allowed me to bath, Like finally!! Washed my oily hair and body with the herbal water she brewed. Feel so fresh. Will be staying at hubby's place from friday night till monday noon. Not going back to mum's side as she'll be busy during sat and sun.
Yea ! 7 more days to end my confinement. And i can dye black my hair. 8 more days to go kkh to take my report and i hopes my gynae gives me good news. That's all. Byes peoples. Take care.