Wednesday, April 7, 2010
I HATE PMS !!!!!!!!!
I hate PMS ttm !!! It's killing me. Stupid cramps ! Am earlier today. 5.56am now. Woke up at 3.30am due to heavy pms plus cramps and couldn't get back to sleep. Decided to on lappy and have been using till now. Chatted with Shiqi my pretty biao mei till 5am and she went to sleep.(You must attend the party on sat ahhh.)
Went bpp to have dinner with hubby at pizza hut yesterday and spend about $150 there. GOSH! Brought some blings to beautify my phone again and i'm loving my phone more and more. Hahahss.
This is my pretty pretty old sony phone.
In Love.
Went M1 and saw LG Lollipop phone. Soooo pretty.
Should i get that phone?
*No copymeows pls*

This is my injured toe. My whole nail dropped out !!
Pain + Gross ttm !!!

Oks. That's all.
My mac deluxe meal has arrived. Hungry~
5:53 AM